feet怎样读 鞋子的英语发音?

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鞋子用英语shoes读音:英 [?u?z]     美 [?u?z]n. 鞋子v. 穿鞋相关短语:1、Climbing shoes 攀岩鞋2、beach shoes 沙滩鞋3、Suede Shoes 小山羊皮鞋4、badminton shoes 羽毛球鞋常见句型:1、Her shoes chafed the skin on her feet.鞋子擦破了她脚上的皮肤。2、The hat and shoes are a perfect match.这顶帽子和鞋子完全相配。3、I wiped my shoes on the mat before I came in.我在进门前把鞋在垫子上擦了擦。4、Jacks shoes were caked with mud in a country road after a shower.阵雨过后走在乡村小路上,杰克的鞋子上沾了些泥块。
同义词:shoe英 [?u?]  美 [?u?]    一:释义:n. 鞋;鞋状物;蹄铁;制动蹄片vt. 穿鞋;装防护物二:短语:1、brush shoest刷鞋,擦鞋2、buy shoest买鞋三:词语用法shoe的基本意思是“鞋”,是可数名词。“一双鞋”是a pair of shoes, shoe多用于复数形式。四:例句:The shoes are a perfect fit.这双鞋子穿着非常合脚。


英 [:ts] 美 [:rts]
n.短路;(从事运动或天气炎热时穿的)短裤;美男人的短内裤;电影短片;短裤( short的名词复数 );缺乏
My favorite month is August. It is the eighth month of a year.
August is a holiday month because we always have summer holidays . August is the hottest month in a year . I like to go to the beach in summer. I can hold the bathing suit and swim in the sea . I can make sandcastles on the beach .I can pick up the beautiful shells on the beach. Maybe I can see a crab on my feet. It is nibbling my feet ! I think its good to go to the beach in summer.