fedup官方网站 spread的短语有哪些?

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1、spread to 蔓延到; 波及;例句:If the fire isnt stopped, it could spread to 25,000 acres. 如果大火不被扑灭,它可能会蔓延2.5万英亩。
2、spread with 用…铺[涂]满例句:Animal and vegetable pests spread with extreme rapidity. 动植物疫害传播极快。
3、spread in 在…中传开例句:His lips were spread in a sly smile. 他心照不宣地咧嘴一笑。
4、spread on 在…铺[涂]上; 涂; 擦;例句:The manure can only be spread on the land at certain times. 厩肥只能在一定的季节撒到田间。
5、spread about 广泛散布例句:He was fed-up with the lies being spread about him. 关于自己的流言蜚语满天乱飞,他实在受够了。


get up的意思为:起床,起立;建造;增加;打扮;伪造短语:
1、Get It Up 斗志;提起来;让它直立;遵从2、get all up tight 紧张到极点3、get tangled up with 搀杂;混杂4、to get worked up 为某件事生气;不开心;因某事被惹得特别生气5、Get Knocked Up 怀孕了;怀孕6、get back up 麦迪;重新爬起来;当你沮丧的时候7、get fed up with 厌烦作某事8、get backed up 拖拉积累9、get dressed up穿衣服扩展资料:get up的近义词:dress oneself;get out of bed意思为:起床;筹备;打扮get up的例句:1、Father is much better but the nurse says hes not to get up yet.父亲的病好多了,但护士说他仍不能下床。
2、The power of him saying this knocks them all over, and they get up and do it again,and they all fall over again.